Click on picture or In Depth for personal profiles where applicable.

Nick Ball (Centre Forward)
Nick or Nicky signed last season and after a good preseason and a promising start ended up missing all but a few games due to working nightshifts.  When he did play he scored a lot of goals and should form a prolific partnership with Stephen Mustey. With his fancy footwork it's a shame that his taste in footwear doesn't match!
Gareth Bartlett (Centre Midfield)
Joined the team as he wanted to be part of the Northern drinking culture.  In this respect Gareth has more than made himself part of the team.  He has helped form part of Northern's heavyweight midfield and has made his mark on and off the pitch after scoring on his debut (off the pitch aswell). He passes the ball well which is surprising because he's usually still hungover from the night before, added with the fact that he plays without his glasses it's a wonder he can see any of his team-mates let alone pick them out.
Lee Blackshaw (Centre Midfield)
Lee is a new signing this season and in pre season has looked very impressive and has surely booked a berth in the centre of midfield, the only other left footed outfield player in the team after Carl French he is capable of running for 90 minutes and both helping in defence and attack.
Carl French (Left Back)
Frenchy as he is known by team mates plays left back. He was an ever present last season and many peoples choice for a second consecutive player of the year award.  Famous for being consistently average Frenchy never stands out and is content to do his job quietly and without fuss. Will do well to make the left back spot his own this year following the signings of Phillip Parr and Carl Sydenham, but needs to face up to the harsh reality that he must offer more on the pitch. Apparently Frenchy does play, but his existance at left back has yet to be confirmed, although there are some rumors of a few sighting.
Gareth Fundalski (Centre Midfield/Forward)
Fudgie as he is known came into the side last year and his 100% effort and commitment won him the Managers Player of the Year award.  Mostly played on the left wing or at centre forward last year Fudgie craves a berth in the centre of midfield but his versatility often means he gets moved into the 'problem' positions. He's not afraid to get his knees dirty when needed to dig in but the "pretty boy" is usually more affective timing his runs into the box with precision.
Ross Gunter (Centre Midfield)
Ross burst into the Cardiff Northern team 2 seasons ago and was without doubt Cardiff Northern's most improved player of that season. Regressed last season due to competition for places and his attitude went downhill with it. Wants to get his place back in the side but may have to face up to the reality of another season on the bench due to Northerns abundance of central midfielders. Ross needs to focus on doing what he does best with his "tigerish" challenges scaring some of the most composed midfielders in the league, leaving the flair to the players that have some...sadly Ross has none.
Luke Haggett (Centre Midfield)
In a horror injury last season Luke broke his leg and is not yet ready for competitive football. If he can get himself fit and lose some weight he will challenge for a place at the turn of the year.  His contribution from the touchline will be a big factor in Northern's start to the season. He's a determined player who wants to win every game and helps drive the team on for the full 90 minutes, however Luke is often happiest whilst rolling around in the mud like a pig in his swill (bless him). 
Andrew Howell (Centre Forward)
Pill came to nearly every game last year and has only recently pointed out that he'd actually quite like to play.  Has impressed in training sessions and practice games and looks a promising centre forward.  Will undoubtedly get many games when Nicky or Mustey tire at the end of matches. Modelling his looks on Ronaldo, let's hope he can produce some goals like him too.
Andrew Kingman (Sweeper)
Andy joined Cardiff Northern two seasons ago but due to work and family commitments was out of action for the majority of last season.  He's an excellent defender provided he doesn't get carried away with breaking from defence and provides cover for the other 3 defenders in a back 4 due to his pace and reading of the game. Rotate, known by his team-mates loves sliding in, problem is whether the balls there or have been warned.
Carl Manley (Right Wing)
Carl or God as many of his team mates call him has joined Cardiff Northern last season. After many years of trying to sign him the mighty Northern finally persuaded him to put pen to paper. His worth was proven by the fact his old club got relegated without him and Cardiff Northern surged to promotion.  Picked up man of the match awards in nearly every game he played in and runaway winner of the Players Player of Year award Carl is respected by all his team mates. Northern's dip in form while he was injured shows how valuable he is to the team.

Dave Manley (Right Back)
Perhaps more influential off the pitch than on it, his concentration lapses can sometimes affect the whole balance of the team especially when causing feuds with his brother.  Nevertheless he is reliable and consistent and what he lacks in technique he makes up in enthusiasm and determination....just don't let him go passed the half-way line, he gets dizzy going forward.  Managed the side last year in Steve Roche's absence and also played in every game.  Scored his first competitive goal too when pushing the ball in with his chest from 6 inches, causing a typically shocked defenders celebration by sprinting straight back to his right back spot (where he should learn to stay).
Stephen Mustey (Centre Forward)
What can be said about Stephen Mustey - Steve Roche made it his personal mission to sign Mustey due to the fact "he scores goals for fun".  He wasn't a let down and was at every game and finished the season as the league top scorer with 30 goals.  He scored 7 goals in both games against Radyr.  Quite often turns up slightly the worse for wear and we can only imagine what kind of performances he could produce when sober. Although not short in his own confidence needs to face up to the fact that it's a team game and would often find himself stranded without the midfields help. Someone PLEASE tell him that there's no harm in setting up other members of the team, he'd be twice the player if he passed simply at times.
Craig Palfrey (Defender/Midfielder)
Pogo joined as a friend of Mustey's with a view to providing cover in defence.  Pogo has turned out to be more than just cover and has earned the captain's armband with some excellent performances in midfield including 2 crucial goals against Admiral.  Fancies himself as a striker and sees himself as the best bet to finish Carl's crosses although no-one else seems to agree.  Can sometimes get peoples backs up with his to-the-point comments but no-one can question his commitment. Keeps the team working, but sadly struggles to keep going himself, he might need to realise that the 1-man gut barging machine may have to make way for others who are breathing down his neck to get into the team.
Phillip Parr (Manager/Centre-back)
Experienced old head who offers an option at the back and is able to talk the more inexperienced players through the game while still playing well himself.  Not the fastest but he reads the game well and will be a good backup for the central defence.
Jason Paterson (Attacking Midfielder)
Joined at the end of last season but only had a bit part role in the last weeks of the season he signed from Northern's big rivals, Cardiff Westside.  Brother of Simon, he often tormented Northern and has scored against us in the league before now.  Provides a good attacking threat, could push for a place on the wing if he learns to keep his work rate up.
Simon Paterson (Centre Midfield)
Simon used to be a regular midfielder in the Northern side but due to constant injury problems barely featured last season . Paterson is known as Ghost among his team mates which is down to his ability to drift in and out of games. Sometimes it has left fellow players wondering if Simon was on the pitch during the game. Simon is probably one of the most skilful midfielders within the team and if he gets fully fit he could put pressure on the midfield positions. Could sway in favour of the manager if his wife makes him take fresh oranges for half-time.
Martyn Rich (Goalkeeper)
Likely to find himself as the number 1 choice in goals after beating off tough competition from Bazza...cough..sorry, because of no competition from Bazza. Seems to have a safe pair of hands which the team were missing last season, just don't relie on his feet to provide the same comfort at the back....Barthez he isn't.
Matthew Rowley (Centre Back)
Matthew has basically played in every position for Cardiff Northern. At the moment Matthew has been playing in the centre of defence but Carl Sydenham and Andy Kingman could push him for a place in the starting 11. He was the founder of Cardiff Northern and has the clubs blood running through him along with the vast amounts of mixed alcohols. Rowley as he is called by team mates would be lost without the club. He has threatened to quit on many occasions but turns up each week without fail (never on time though!). Matthew is not the most skillful player in the team but makes up for that with 100% effort. If he stopped his constant back heeling and kept his concentration levels up he could be a regular in the team. With the pace of a Concorde (parked on a runway) Rowley needs to hold his position for the entire game so not to get caught out. He does add some much needed aerial power at times (shame he's usually out of position to get his head there though).
Russell Palmer (Centre Back)
Russell was in the Cardiff Northern side of years ago and like Carl Manley played in the Premier Division.  He was close to joining at the start of last season but loyalty kept him with his old club but internal problems there in the early part of the season saw him move clubs.  During the off season got injured in a kick-about and damaged his knee, is awaiting an operation and could possibly miss the whole season. He will be sorely missed.
Richard Schuchardt (Centre Back)
Richard has been a previous player of the season but now that he has moved to Bristol and gotten himself married seems to think its acceptable to miss a few games.  This goes against the Northern code of course but Rich is one of the few players good enough to be allowed to break the rules. Powerful in the air but incapable of passing straight the centre back position was invented for Richard.  Will probably not feature much this year providing everyone else is reliable.
Carl Sydenham (Centreback)
A new signing brought in by God, is a reliable defender who's determination to win games will provide some extra spirit that was lacking last season.  Composed at the back, his speed and timing of tackles will provide the defence with some stability while his passing will bring some urgency to counter attacks. He's bound to confuse team-mates being yet another Carl.

Barrie Willacott (Goalkeeper)
If you talk to Barrie about Cardiff Northern's history he will no doubt tell you about his wonder goal he scored a few years ago. The best goal in Northern's history! If you talk to anyone who was there though they will tell you it was a tap in. Barrie has recently taken up a more organisational role with Cardiff Northern due to lack of first team experience.  Bazza's goalkeeping form has dipped somewhat recently and it seems content on staying in the rut, and with no signs of improvement he may end up as another who has to make do with a view of the game from the sidelines.

Old Player Profiles are here.